RECOIL Poll: 3 EDC Loadouts

The Team at RECOIL Shows Off EDC Variants & Asks Which You Prefer

We'll admit it: we can't resist drooling over high-end gear. We think about which knives to carry like some people's wives think about what shoes to wear. We tailor our every-day carry loadouts to our activities each day, and they're always changing and evolving as we add, subtract, or swap out items. Some people may find this obsession with gear strange, but it's just a part of our DNA.

Our friends over at share this obsession, and they recently posted three different EDC loadouts for their fans' viewing pleasure. Each one has its own unique advantages, so they asked their fans which of the three loadouts they prefer via a poll. Here are the three loadouts:

If you want to learn more about the gear in each loadout, or vote for your favorite option in the poll, click here to read the full article at

Since I wanted to join the fun, I've included a photo of my own minimalist working-from-home EDC below. It consists of a 5.11 Tactical Apex T-Rail belt, Fossil leather wallet, and keys with a Photon LED Micro-Light. There's also a Gerber Shard keychain tool, which has been wrapped in gutted OD green paracord for added grip (here's a how-to video). The watch is a Citizen BM8180-03E with Eco-Drive solar-powered operation.

The knife is always a hard choice, but today I'm carrying a Kershaw Link Blackwash. It's a really well-built folding knife that's made in the USA—and it'll only set you back $70.

What's in your EDC today? Let us know in the comments, or show us a photo on Instagram: @recoiloffgridmagazine.


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Patrick McCarthy: Patrick McCarthy is the Editor of RECOIL OFFGRID. He currently resides in Arizona, and enjoys hiking, camping, shooting, and snapping photos along the way. You can follow his latest projects on Instagram at @pmccarthy10.