Infographic: The Effects of Sleeplessness

How Insomnia Progressively Weakens Your Body and Mind, and Can Eventually Be Fatal

Most of us have pulled at least a few all-nighters, whether by choice or by necessity. Forgoing sleep and pushing your body to stay awake for days at a time leads to physical and mental strain — for example, you may have heard that driving while you're exhausted has been found to be as dangerous as driving drunk. But in an emergency or survival situation, you may not have the luxury of regular and restful sleep. It's useful to know the effects sleeplessness has on your body so you can understand the risks and prepare to deal with them.

The following infographic from Mattress Clarity provides a timeline of what happens when you don't sleep. Even in the first 24 hours, the effects are substantial, especially if you're working hard nonstop. After two days, substantial neurological issues appear, and after three days, hallucinations may begin. World-record holder Toimi Soini stayed awake for more than 11 days, but Guinness World Records subsequently stopped tracking this challenge due to the substantial risk of death it poses.

Click here to download the full-size infographic.

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Patrick McCarthy: Patrick McCarthy is the Editor of RECOIL OFFGRID. He currently resides in Arizona, and enjoys hiking, camping, shooting, and snapping photos along the way. You can follow his latest projects on Instagram at @pmccarthy10.