New: 5.11 Tactical Women’s Recon Apparel

This Line of High-Performance Moisture-Wicking Clothing is Designed for Active Women

It's easy to think of bug-out apparel and envision thick jackets, rugged cargo pants, and heavy boots — but that's not always what you'll need. Especially during the hot and humid summer months, going for a trek in that sort of gear will leave you sweaty, dehydrated, and exhausted. In these situations, lightweight, breathable, and moisture-wicking fabrics can make a huge difference.

Much of the moisture-wicking apparel in this category is marketed as gym or fitness clothing, since it's highly effective at keeping you cool during a workout. However, these same properties make it a good choice for strenuous hiking, trail-running, or even emergency bug-out use.

5.11 Tactical just released a new line of women's activewear known as the 5.11 Recon series. This line includes a new shirt, a tank-top, and shorts. Each utilizes flexible material with anti-odor properties and ventilation. There's also a new tote that resembles a gym bag but provides CCW compatibility.

The new Recon line includes the short-sleeved Taylor top ($45), the Becky tank ($40, pictured above), the Merisa short ($50), and the previously-mentioned Flare active tote bag ($75). If you're looking for new summer apparel that won't leave you overheated, or your significant other is tired of feeling sweaty on outdoor adventures, you can check out these new items at

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Patrick McCarthy: Patrick McCarthy is the Editor of RECOIL OFFGRID. He currently resides in Arizona, and enjoys hiking, camping, shooting, and snapping photos along the way. You can follow his latest projects on Instagram at @pmccarthy10.