According to Chris Farley's character in a series of old Saturday Night Live sketches, nobody wants to end up living in a van down by the river. In reality, van-dwelling doesn't have to be a miserable experience — with the right mindset, a spacious vehicle, and a bit of preparation, this nomadic lifestyle can actually be a lot of fun. Case in point: traveling photographer and videographer Sara Liberte (pronounced Liberty — yes, that's her real last name).

Sara Liberte battle van vehicle truck RV build 3

A photo of Sara at the range, taken by Marjorie M. White.

Sara has spent the last few years on the road, traveling throughout the United States in her previous vehicle, which she dubbed the Dodge Mahal. That old Dodge van served her well, but the time has come to put it out to pasture and upgrade to something newer. So, Sara bought a 2017 GMC Savana cargo van, and she plans to gradually upgrade it into a proper all-terrain home on wheels. For now, the project is being referred to as the Battle Van.

Sara Liberte battle van vehicle truck RV build 2

The Battle Van build will be documented by Sara through periodic updates on her YouTube channel. We'll be following the build here on OFFGRIDweb, so stay tuned for more as the build progresses. Our friends over at RECOIL and Breach-Bang-Clear will also be helping out. Currently, Sara has the following companies on board to provide parts:

Sara's plans also include off-road capable wheels and tires, LED lighting, and possibly even a 4×4 conversion for easier access to remote photoshoot locations. Should the van get stuck, there will be survival gear such as a backup generator, water purifier, and long-range communications equipment. We're excited to see how it plays out, and watch the transformation of this plain GMC into a unique bug-out van and home on wheels.

Sara Liberte battle van vehicle truck RV build 1

For more information on Sara Liberte, visit SaraLiberte.comfollow her on Facebook, or check out this article on Breach-Bang-Clear.

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