We first saw the CRKT Provoke at SHOT Show early this year, and were immediately interested by its unconventional “kinematic” design. Check out our first impressions in our original web article, if you haven't already read it. Long story short, it's one of the coolest folding knife mechanisms we've seen in quite a while. We also appreciate the quality D2 steel and the clever hidden pocket clip. However, we were left wondering about its real-world practicality.

Combatives instructor Patrick Vuong recently posted a video review of the knife on the Tiga Tactics YouTube channel. Vuong is an avid knife collector, having reviewed dozens of them for OFFGRID and RECOIL's Unusual Suspects column over the years. He's also a practitioner of the Filipino martial art Pekiti-Tirsia Kali, which frequently involves edged weapons such as the traditional karambit. Given this background, he's able to shed some light on the Provoke's functionality as an every-day carry knife and as a defensive weapon.

Vuong's point about the offset placement of the ring is one we've never specifically considered, but we've certainly noticed that some knife handle rings feel more natural than others. It's definitely a good point to keep in mind if you ever plan to purchase a karambit or any other knife with a finger ring. And although the CRKT Provoke has some pros and cons, it's good to hear that it's not all show.

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