Catch up with Senior Editor Patrick Diedrich for a recap on some of the survival, preparedness, and outdoor gear from SHOT Show 2025.
Catch up with Senior Editor Patrick Diedrich for a recap on some of the survival, preparedness, and outdoor gear from SHOT Show 2025.
A major disaster just occurred, and you decide to bug out, but your truck's tank is running low on gas. How can you safely scavenge…
One easy way to remember the hierarchy of survival risks is known as The Rule of 3s: 3 hours without shelter, 3 days without water,…
A post-disaster urban environment is fraught with dangers that can contribute to puncture wounds, such as fallen debris, broken glass, or exposed rebar.
When caught early, heat illnesses such as dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke can be stopped and their effects can be reversed.
Our society depends on electricity. We expect that when we flip the switch, the lights turn on. But, what happens if they don’t during a…
A major disaster has hit and there's only one store on your way home. You have $100 cash to do some last-minute emergency shopping. What…
In any SHTF scenario, your primary goal is to survive and thrive, and you'll need calories to do so. MREs can provide long-lasting nutrition.
No matter your level of prepping experience or training, bug-out planning will provide you with a good starting point to survive almost any situation.
Ham radio takes radio communications to the next step. These radios are capable of using much more power than Citizens Band (CB), meaning more distance.
You never know when an emergency is going to happen, so everyone should have at least basic knowledge of first aid and a kit available…
Guns are the great equalizers, with proper training, they can provide protection for you, your family, and your property in uncertain times.
Three knots that are strong and versatile that can be used in just about any situation.
It's always a good idea to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. In this case, we're applying that thought to vehicular travel.
These pint-sized dynamos may not be the masters of their trades, but they certainly can help you get the job done when you're in a…
When you're bugging out of the city or back home, when crap goes down you're going to need a sturdy and comfortable survival backpack to…